GA-I3 Integrated Intelligence
What We Do
by Kyra Mack | March 26, 2024
Leveraging Optix™ to Assess the Effects of Climate Change on Global Trade and the Panama Canal
by Frank Bentrem | October 30, 2023
Let's Build a Deep Learning Activation Function
by Tara Valladares, Data Scientist at GA-I3 | June 23, 2023
Monitoring and Imaging Vessels in Optix with Maxar Satellites
by Austin Heyne | January 19, 2023
Understanding and Streaming Geospatial Vector Data using Apache Kafka and GeoMesa
by Andrea Graziani | January 10, 2023
Coarse Earth Change Detection: Supervised and Self-Supervised training
October 26, 2022
RF Fingerprinting with a SDR
by Tim Emerick | September 2, 2022
EWI Space : Project Chipsee
by Vivek | March 15, 2022
Improving Ensemble Robustness via Synthetic Latent Discriminative Representation (SLDR) Networks
by Mark Restrepo | August 27, 2021
Outliers and Categorical Data
by Mark Restrepo | July 27, 2021
Analyzing and Enhancing Vessel Schedule Data
by Eric Nallon | April 19, 2021
Detecting Anomalous Vessels at Maritime Ports
by Jonathan Miller | April 12, 2021
Bootstrapping a Better Model
by Mike Linsinbigler | March 18, 2021
How Can SAR Imagery Improve on Optical Overhead Imagery?
by Bob DuCharme | March 10, 2021
Patent Granted to Dr. Michelle Hamilton’s Emergency Response Software System
by Mark Restrepo | December 2, 2020
Clustering Ship Data to Identify Port Boundaries
by Jim Hughes | November 23, 2020
GeoMesa 3.1: A Minor Release with Major Improvements
by Michael Crenshaw | November 17, 2020
Anonymous Data? How Anonymous?
by Jim Hughes | July 6, 2020
GeoMesa 3.0: Cheaper, Faster, Better
by Jonathan Miller | June 4, 2020
Better Visualizations with GA-I3’s New Plotting Library
by Peter Malcolm | April 27, 2020
GA-I3 Shares Our Statement of Ethical Principles
by Mark Restrepo | March 4, 2020
Can a Neural Net Learn the Quadratic Formula?
by Erin Ryan | February 19, 2020
GA-I3's Charlottesville Hackathon
by Jonathan Miller | February 3, 2020
Seeing with Deep Learning: Advances and Risks
by Bob DuCharme | February 2, 2020
c-biz Magazine features GA-I3 Employee Wellness Programs
by Joel Morgan | December 3, 2019
Building Shipping Indicators with GA-I3’s Optix Platform
by Mark Restrepo | October 3, 2019
Rooting Out Routes
by Emily Seibert | August 15, 2019
Breaking Down the Icon
by Mark Rucker | February 11, 2019
Don’t Miss Your Turn: Calculating Aircraft Turn Locations from Trajectory Data
by Suzan McKay | January 24, 2019
Odds and Ends
by Jake Popham | November 27, 2018
Using Attribute Values to Tune Vector-Based Entity Representations
by Suzan McKay | October 1, 2018
No Flo, We Won’t Go
by Bob DuCharme | September 18, 2018
Steering Ships Around Hurricane Florence
by Suzan McKay | August 1, 2018
You Don’t Look a Day Over 29…
by Bob DuCharme | July 10, 2018
Data fusion for sociocultural place understanding using deep learning
by Vivek Dhand | June 27, 2018
How to use TransE effectively
by Suzan McKay | May 10, 2018
Ridin’ High
by Christopher Eichelberger | May 4, 2018
Z Earth, it is round?!
by Emilio Lahr-Vivaz | April 24, 2018
GeoMesa 2.0 Released
by Suzan McKay | April 3, 2018
Spring Flings & Artistic Things
by Frank Deviney | March 20, 2018
Calculating Geospatial Socioeconomic Indicators for Healthcare with US Census Data
by Austin Heyne | February 26, 2018
Interactive Insights into Hurricane Harvey’s Impact on Energy Production with GeoMesa & Zeppelin Notebooks
by Vivek Dhand | January 22, 2018
Deep Learning and Ontology Development
by Suzan McKay | December 15, 2017
Say Cheeeeese!
by Bob DuCharme | November 2, 2017
GeoMesa and “The Farm Fantastic”
by Suzan McKay | October 12, 2017
Sauerkraut and Brussel Sprouts!
by Bob DuCharme | September 21, 2017
GA-I3 at becamp
by Sue He | August 25, 2017
Deep Reinforcement Learning–of how to win at Battleship
by Suzan McKay | July 6, 2017
Mixed Bag
by Bob DuCharme | June 30, 2017
Generating images and more with Generative Adversarial Networks
by Bob DuCharme | May 31, 2017
Deep Learning with PyTorch in a Jupyter notebook
by Suzan McKay | April 17, 2017
Trivial Matters
by Bob DuCharme | April 17, 2017
GA-I3’s conference speaking stars
by Bob DuCharme | March 20, 2017
New in GeoMesa: Spark SQL, Zeppelin Notebooks support, and more
by Bob DuCharme | February 28, 2017
Training a video annotation system with Grand Theft Auto
by Bob DuCharme | January 13, 2017
GeoHipster interview with Boundless CTO Andrew Dearing
by Bob DuCharme | January 3, 2017
Using Orion to view graphs with thousands of nodes
by Tim Emerick | December 9, 2016
Torch vs TensorFlow vs Theano
by Bob DuCharme | November 10, 2016
Explainable Artificial Intelligence (XAI)
by Suzan McKay | October 8, 2016
The Fruits & Festivities of Early Fall
by Anthony Fox | September 8, 2016
Visualizing huge volumes of AIS data in a web-based map using GeoMesa and GeoServer
by Suzan McKay | September 1, 2016
Summer Days, Summer Nights
by Bob DuCharme | August 17, 2016
New GeoMesa tutorial: Aggregating and Visualizing Data
by Bob DuCharme | July 29, 2016
What have our 2016 summer interns been up to?
by Bob DuCharme | June 28, 2016
GeoMesa analytics in a Jupyter notebook
by Suzan McKay | May 18, 2016
GA-I3 2016 Spring Brewfest
by Bob DuCharme | April 4, 2016
GeoMesa’s Cassandra support
by Suzan McKay | March 21, 2016
GA-I3 After Hours
by Bob DuCharme | March 17, 2016
Using Kafka with GeoMesa to visualize streaming data
by Bob DuCharme | February 22, 2016
GeoMesa 1.2: Now with Eclipse LocationTech Vetting!
by Suzan McKay | February 19, 2016
Bikes Mean Business
by Suzan McKay | October 22, 2015
2015 GA-I3 Oktoberfest
by Suzan McKay | October 9, 2015
GA-I3’s Outsize Performance in the National Bike Challenge
by Suzan McKay | August 17, 2015
Cloud Computing With Spark: Using All Your executors
by Suzan McKay | July 29, 2015
Get to the Point with Big Spatial Data
by Suzan McKay | July 19, 2015
Big Spatial Data – Your day has come
by Vivek Dhand | May 14, 2015
Ketos: neural networks for document retrieval
by Suzan McKay | May 6, 2015
GA-I3 Offers GeoMesa for Geospatial Analysis on Google’s Newest Platform: Cloud Bigtable
by Suzan McKay | May 4, 2015
Life and People at GA-I3
by Suzan McKay | December 29, 2014
Partially Applied Functions in R, Scala, and Javascript
by Tim Emerick | October 31, 2014
Crossmodal Semantic Representations
by Suzan McKay | October 30, 2014
Calculating Feature Importance in Data Streams with Concept Drift using Online Random Forest
by Suzan McKay | October 11, 2014
GA-I3 Oktoberfest
by Joseph Featherstone | August 26, 2014
Learning with Rule Ensembles
by Suzan McKay | August 15, 2014
What Have Our GA-I3 Summer Interns Been Up To?
by Tim Emerick | August 1, 2014
Concept Extraction, Definition, and Visualization from Large RDF
by Suzan McKay | July 16, 2014
GA-I3 Employee Alec Gosse Uses Big Data to Seek Insights to Bicycle Travel Flow
by Nick Hamblet | July 10, 2014
Distributed Relational Learning
by Suzan McKay | May 13, 2014
GA-I3 Semi-Annual Brewfest
by Christopher Eichelberger | May 6, 2014
GeoMesa: Scaling up Geospatial Analysis
by Nick Hamblet | April 4, 2014
Which Armstrong?
by Nick Hamblet | March 28, 2014
Going beyond tabulating comentions
by Nick Hamblet | February 27, 2014
Data Science Meetup
by Suzan McKay | January 30, 2014
Typeclasses for Flexible API Development
by Suzan McKay | January 22, 2014
Accumulating Responses from Child Actors and Transitive Message Ordering
by Anthony Fox | December 16, 2013
Composing Big Data Maps With GeoMesa and Geoserver
by Suzan McKay | November 6, 2013
Boundless and GA-I3 Launch OpenGeo Suite with GeoMesa
by Jim Hughes | October 23, 2013
Using Scala traits to avoid delegation
by Suzan McKay | October 8, 2013
Spatio-temporal Indexing in Non-relational Distributed Databases
by Anthony Fox | March 12, 2011
Stochastic Gradient Descent
by Anthony Fox | July 31, 2010
Destructuring in Mathematica
by Anthony Fox | April 2, 2010
Latent Semantic Analysis in Solr using Clojure
by Anthony Fox | February 19, 2010
PostGIS BBOX Query Gotcha
by Anthony Fox | February 17, 2010
Incanter and the GLM
by Anthony Fox | January 27, 2010
Monte Carlo Pi calc
by Anthony Fox | January 23, 2010
Functional programming and root finding
by Anthony Fox | January 21, 2010
Python Static Dictionaries in Nearest Neighbor Queries
by Anthony Fox | January 18, 2010
Median Age as Predictor Variable
by Anthony Fox | January 12, 2010
Converting Lat/Lon to Zip Code
by Anthony Fox | January 11, 2010
Second Pass at Analytics X Prize
by Anthony Fox | January 10, 2010
Evaluating Spatial Predictions
by Anthony Fox | January 9, 2010
Analytics X Prize