GA-I3 Integrated Intelligence

GA-I3 After Hours

When not at work, GA-I3 employees are actively at play. Many engage in competitive or recreational athletic pursuits like tennis, cycling, soccer or Ultimate Frisbee. Those with children are often on the sidelines, encouraging their kids at the soccer field or swim meet. One employee frequently hosts a lavish game night at his house, where an abundance of both board and computer games are offered.

Cycling, as both transport and recreation, is highly encouraged and supported at GA-CCRi, with frequent lunchtime pedals to local restaurants. Frank Deviney, Hunter Provyn, Alec Gosse and Jason Brown are a few of the die-hards. Here, Hunter takes a turn around the parking lot before heading out to lunch.

When not otherwise sidelined, Edward Brown and Taryn Price are regulars on the Ultimate Frisbee circuit. In the meantime, 4.5-ranked tennis player Andrew Hulbert kills it in the local tennis leagues. And when not engaged as an enthusiastic ham radio operator, Nick Elias enjoys dancing the Rhythm “Arizona” Two-Step in the local dance halls.



Post Meridian
Sam is the one in the middle-right, wearing the red plaid

Carsten Clark, also an avid cyclist, has been playing the viola with the Charlottesville Symphony for several years, in addition to several smaller jazz and classical ensembles. Bob Ducharme plays upright bass with the Waynesboro Symphony, and in Jazz Collective #9 here in Charlottesville, while Matt Zimmerman sings with the Oratorio Society of Virginia. And we even have a local rock star in our midst! When he is not cuddling baby goats at Caromont Farms, Sam Hewitt is the guitar player for Post Meridian, a band that favors “soulful, atmospheric” music. Post Meridian released an EP in 2014, and a digital album, “Shut Eye”, this past January. Charlottesville boasts a great local indie music scene, as well as attracting international major acts.

Post Meridian recently headlined a Friday night show at the Ante Room, located in the heart downtown C’Ville. Check out their latest video on You Tube:


Think you can listen briefly to a seemingly random selection of 10 different songs, naming both the artist and title, determining the underlying theme of all ten? Are you good at sports, sciences, history, literature or just general, well, trivia? Does your memory spans the ages? Do you know the answers to these trivia questions?

  1. Boxers are limited to 8 feet of what?
  2. Which state was the first to abolish the death penalty?
  3. The maximum # of golf clubs allowed in a bag?
  4. 1980’s Pop group Duran Duran took their name from which 1960’s sci-fi movie?
  5. Who wrote the 1845 poem The Pied Piper of Hamelin?
A few of the Trivia-ites listen & confer

GA-CCRi has a core group of Trivia enthusiasts, of a broad age range, who meet diligently every Tuesday at a popular downtown tavern to sip beer, eat pub food and engage in weekly trivia contests. And we’re pretty good at it! We recently made it to the District Trivia finals in Washington, DC, competing with the heavy hitters from the DC Trivia bar scene.

These pursuits are how long-time employees, and those newly arrived from all over the country, come together to find connection at GA-CCRi, and with Charlottesville.  Both are places where it’s a guarantee that something interesting, challenging and fun is happening.


Answers: 1.Hand tape  2.Michigan  3.14  4.Barbarella  5.Robert Browning

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