GA-I3 Integrated Intelligence

At GA-I3, our clients look to us to solve their hardest problems, and we have a long history of exceeding their expectations.


With clients ranging from the private sector to the government, we provide a variety of advanced analytical techniques, and we render our solutions in software that our clients can apply immediately. Whether you conduct marketing intelligence or track criminal gangs, GA-I3 can help you break through your constraints.
With projects ranging from optimizing the world’s largest container port to predicting future asymmetric warfare events, GA-I3 has no shortage of experience in diverse client expectations. As a small company, we are able to adjust our process to the requirements of each client. In addition, over the last 30 years GA-I3 has developed a number of reliable techniques that enable us to take on projects with tight deadlines and deliver results efficiently and effectively.
Team member

Our Core Values


GA-I3's Ethical Principles


Create Meaningful Solutions

Create Meaningful Solutions

Focus on the customer’s mission
Question the default
Always a better way

Doing it Together

Doing it Together

Inclusive culture
Play as a team

Doing it Well

Doing it Well

Challenge yourself
Technical curiosity

Idea Meritocracy

Idea Meritocracy

Ideas can come from anyone
Ideas have an advocate
Demonstrate value
Ideas compete and evolve

Working at GA-I3



The set of tools that GA-I3 leverages is continuously evolving. We utilize market-leading tech at every level of our stack.


Kafka Apache Nifi Apache Storm Accumulo Apache Spark Apache HBase Hadoop Geomesa


Java Scala Python


OpenLayers WebGL GeoServer D3 CensiumJS Plotly CytoScape Three JS


Azure lstio C2S AWS Kubernetes HELM Gov Cloud Google Cloud


Scikit Learn Tensor Flow Pytorch DL4J Apache Spark mlFlow Dask Jupyter


We asked our team "What is your favorite part about working at GA-I3?".
Here's what they said:

I am constantly improving skills highly relevant for the industry I am in. I get to take a large degree of ownership over my project.
Collegiate, friendly atmosphere. Lots of fellow geeks interested in solving really challenging problems. Diverse educational backgrounds. Small company atmosphere. Many fun non-work related activities.
The people are fantastic - a smart, hard working, low ego group of folks who I honestly enjoyed spending time with each day.


Over 30 years ago, GA-I3 set out to tackle our customers’ hardest data science challenges. Since then, the Internet of Things (IoT) has resulted in an explosion of data as well as techniques used to exploit that data, deepening the need for thoughtful application of the latest software and machine learning techniques.

We are able to adapt our process and techniques to new challenges, while leveraging lessons learned from years of experience. We typically follow an agile process that encourages critical early feedback to ensure we are on track to meet client expectations. We spin up quickly, mastering the relevant domain knowledge, and identifying key success metrics. Typically, we prototype a tool using a small sample of data or make a minimal viable product of an end-to-end solution. Then we engage clients in the refinement process to determine a right-sized solution.

We cultivate extensive connections with researchers and professional societies to ensure we bring to our work the latest techniques and insights. Following delivery of a solution, GA-I3 offers continued support and expertise to ensure client success.

Our culture & people

Our diverse team, naturally has a wide-ranging set of interests – in past winters our holiday gift experiment has produced a 3D printer, Vive, food smoker and kegerator for the homebrew crew. We have a number of bikers who enjoy the indoor storage, maintenance area and available shower.

Meet Our Executive Team


Brian Ralston
Brian Ralston


Anthony Fox
Anthony Fox

Chief Technology Officer

Gilbert Ness
Gilbert Ness

Chief Operating Officer

Alan Johnson
Alan Johnson

Vice President of Business Development

Nick Hamblet
Nick Hamblet

Vice President of Engineering

Michelle Hamilton
Michelle Hamilton

Vice President of Federal Programs

Joel Morgan
Joel Morgan

Vice President of Commercial Programs

Meet Our Original Founders


Donald Brown
Donald Brown

GA-I3 Founder

Joel Morgan
Louis Pittard

GA-I3 Founder

Dave Sappington
Dave Sappington

GA-I3 Founder