GA-I3 Integrated Intelligence

2015 GA-I3 Oktoberfest

Sunny skies and perfect fall weather were the backdrop for GA-I3’s Oktoberfest in McIntire Park. And while there was the usual grilling, great potluck, games and camaraderie, there was also a palpable feel of competition in the air. This time, the usual brewing and tasting was hinged to a winner-take-all contest, where the sole winner would walk away with an engraved chalice in their honor to rest forever in the GA-I3 Brewing Hall of Fame.

After much tasting and meticulous comparison, (including the use of a “Survivor”esque ballot box), the clear winner was “Dancing Skeleton”, an ale brewed in the classic Oktoberfest Märzenbier style. Märzenbier (beer brewed in the month of March for fall consumption) is full-bodied, rich, toasty, with a typically dark copper color, and has a medium to high alcohol content. This was the go-to beer of the afternoon. Taking second place was a mango enhanced pale ale cleverly named “Djmango Unchained”. This distinctively mango flavored brew was refreshing, and called out for more than one tasting. Other styles offered for tasting and critique were an English pale ale, an English brown ale, a Belgian amber ale, a dry stout, and a Double IPA. GA-I3 brewers leave no stone, or ale type, unturned (so to speak) in their quest for a creative, yet satisfying brew.

Here are some of the faces and moments from this fall’s event.

The party gets going…
The home-brew bottles are carefully labeled
The Brew Tasting begins in earnest…
Nathan debates an ale’s subtle merits with Joseph.
Addie chats with Kevin and Andrew A.
ake K. holds court among the tasters.
Brent with his wife Lori.
Sam likes making new friends.
GA-I3 People…
Nick enjoys being a new dad.
Ellis is a both programmer AND a doctor!
Mike P. keeps everyone in good spirits.
Kolia, Bryce and Lena work across projects.
Andrew C. loves rock climbing.
May is going to have a baby!
Mary and Don B. talk data.
Connie is planning another great holiday party.
John B. keeps GA-I3 on the rails
Frank loves cycling & fly fishing.

GA-I3 Moments…

How many engineers does it take to light a grill?
Ellis yells, “Save some beer for me!”, while Matt calls his broker.
Bryce throw outs his back in the line of duty.
Alec teaches his daughter to choose wisely.
Anthony instructs Andrew H. on the importance of saving travel receipts.
Don R. contemplates another drive up to APG.

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