GA-I3 Integrated Intelligence

Say Cheeeeese!


Active imaginations and a love of fun are always in play at GA-I3. Leave it to Andrew H. to come up with an idea so brilliant it left us shaking our heads thinking, “Why didn’t we think of this before?” Symposiums are a frequent occurrence at GA-I3, along with a smattering of themed events and brewfests. But Andrew took it a step further and came up with the idea of GA-I3’s “First Annual Cheeseposium.” Cheese and wine and beer, and chips! Duh! It was a rousing success, as everyone know that cheese is great unifier. Various cheeses were brought in to taste with various wines and beers. Louis generously donated a whole leg of ham. James generously brought in two turkeys to deep fry. Everyone was happy!

A plate of cheesy, savory goodness.
Call in the Red Cross! Cheeseposium devastion!
James proudly shows off one of his fryers.
Party time: Mary, Tim H & Adam
United w/ Cheese: Charlie, Ben R & Rebecca enjoy some cheese-enhanced social interaction.
Symposium King Jereme approves of the cheese theme and vows to create a cheese-only room in chat.
Matt W’s son Oscar enjoys his fruit juice straight up.
All heads turn when Cheesy Cheese Master Andrew enters the room.
Travis terrorizes his son Lewis.
Emilio dreams of cheese, cheese, and more cheese!
Julia holds Kyle & Heather’s baby Ellie.
Leigh sings, “Stop! In the name of cheese!”
Bob K (aka “Trivia Bob”) could use a cheese intervention!


Meanwhile, things are humming along at a brisk pace at GA-I3. We’ve had some exciting management re-structuring to help as we continue to grow our company. (By the way, we are always hiring, so if you know any great data scientists and/or software engineers (particularly if they have a clearance), please have them apply through our jobs page.) Lots of people are getting new responsibilities with a new matrix structure. Of course, day to day life continues on its merry way. We still drink a lot of coffee and eat a ton of bananas.

Chris standing (okay, sitting) by to provide excellent customer service, along with a salty quip or two.
Junior and Jordan: Born to Run!
Andrew H mans the booth at a recent joint exhibit w/ LocationTech.
Malcolm expounds on some literary detail at a recent book club meeting.


Following hot on the heels of Cheeseposium, it was only fitting that for the Christmas holiday we should come up with Santaposium. We know a good thing when we see it, so we kept the cheese, and added ham biscuits, cookies, and festive holiday drinks. Another party success!

Ham Biscuits (and cheese)!
Santasposium? wonders Dan. We’ll see.
Don R has been down this road before–his faith is strong.
Charlie shows up ready to roll!
Mac playfully spars with James
Joseph, Andrew & Rebecca compare Cheeseposium vs. Santaposium.
Kate employs the two handed party technique
Lights! Curtain! Action! Jordan gets jazzed at the thought of GA-I3 mounting a production of “West Side Story”.
Cheesy Cheese Master Andrew enjoys some “Boy Scout Chili”

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