GA-I3 Integrated Intelligence

GeoMesa 2.0 Released

The GeoMesa project has just published our official 2.0.0 release. This is a quick highlight of some of the new features. For a full list of the improvements and fixes, take a look at the release notes.

SparkSQL JTS Integration

GeoMesa now includes a stand-alone module for integrating JTS geometries as user-defined types in Spark SQL. JTS provides the geometry implementations underpinning GeoTools, and now those classes are available in Spark. This has already been used by projects such as Raster Frames to power distributed raster operations. The goal is to eventually release the module as a separate project, as it doesn’t have any other dependencies besides JTS.

Command-line Scala Console

GeoMesa now includes a runnable Scala console along with the command-line tools included in the binary distribution. The console provides a ready-made playground for experimenting with GeoMesa. It sets up the classpath for you and imports commonly used classes. Check out how easy it is to use a local filesystem data store without any setup:

Switch to Semantic Versioning

Starting with 2.0.0, GeoMesa is following semantic versioning. For users, this provides assurance and flexibility for future updates. Minor versions are guaranteed to work together, and bug fixes can be applied without worrying about API changes that might break existing workflows.

More to Come

We’ve got a lot more exciting features in the pipeline, including support for Apache Kudu and Kafka feature event-time. Join in the conversation in our gitter chat, or subscribe to our GitHub repository to stay up with all the changes.

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