GA-I3 Integrated Intelligence

The Fruits & Festivities of Early Fall

As the final muggy days of summer rolled to a close, a kind of frenzy broke out among some denizens of GA-I3. A frenzy that could only be quenched by crispy green vegetables or exotic local fruits.

A cry in the wilderness: We must have chiles!

Somehow, the discussion of chiles (Please don’t call them chilis–you will get an argument from some people) came onto our company chat room, and before you know it, a large box (35 pounds to be exact) of Hatch green chili’s were ordered online and shipped to our office. Don R. and James A. took charge of the subsequent assembly line of roasting and peeling with the calm dedication of factory foremen on a tight deadline.

After a long journey the Chile’s arrive–shipped all the way from the Land of Enchantment!

Under the watchful eyes of the Chile Masters the roasting begins
A post roast assembly line is formed and the chiles are peeled for future savory delights
A Cry in the Wilderness, part 2: Paw Paw Procurement

Natives of the east, south and mid-western United States may be familiar with the Asimina triloba tree, more commonly known as the Paw Paw. The fruit of the Paw Paw (which has a kind of mango/yam type of flavor) is the largest edible fruit indigenous to the United States. The seeds are especially interesting: brownish-black and similar in shape to lima beans. The best way to eat a Paw Paw is fresh out of hand (peeled), or (hint, hint) made into ice cream.

A hand picked selection of succulent Paw Paws
Paw Paw frenzy erupts on the trail!
Andrew, Kyle and Joseph proudly show off their bounty, which Joseph will magically turn into a tub of delicious Paw Paw ice cream

Boys & Girls Club Cycling Challenge

Bright and early on a lovely Sunday, September 18, the GA-I3 Cyclones left from Old Trail Village in Crozet to begin that day’s cycling adventure. GA-I3 cyclists participated in the whole gamut of rides offered by the annual Boy and Girls Club of Central Virginia Cycling Challenge.

Hunter & Kyle get ready to pedal.

Route choices ranged from the easy-breezy 8 mile Family Ride that took people out to the Chiles (not Chili’s!) Orchard, where everyone got free cider donuts; the popular 25 mile ride (a lovely showcase of the area); to the extremely challenging 50, 75 and 100 mile rides. A few GA-I3 folks braved all 100 miles, enduring several ascents in elevation, including climbing Afton Mountain. Kudos! And congratulations to all participants for sweating for a good cause.

Kyle, Andrew & Edward strike a pose for posterity

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